

Conversion tools for rgbd and pointcloud data

View the Project on GitHub filesmuggler/depth_img_conversion


Get PNG from rosbag

Convert data from rgbd camera to png set

roslaunch ip_rosbag_to_img convert_ros2img.launch path_to_bag:=<path_to_bag_file>

Publish PNG alongside rosbag

Publish topic composed of PNG images for verification or pointcloud generation.

roslaunch ip_rosbag_to_img test_img2ros.launch path_to_bag:=<path_to_bag_file>


Gif presenting reconstruction of the depth image from PNG file (bottom) to ROS topic. A little delay is observed due to conversion time.

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Video below presents reconstruction of pointcloud data from republished depth image topic. White is original and pink is reconstructed one.

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It’s not finished yet :))) Lots of work to be done